Thanks Bill!

    I have to thank Bill and Monica...while the U.S. congress is in the process of trying to censor content on the internet (like that will happen), Bill and Monica have singlehandedly made the words "oral sex" and "semen" part of the english mainstream. Thanks too to Ken Starr, for his report on the affairs of the's not as good as Penthouse letters but its a start.

    Now I hear that they are going to release the Grand Jury tapes...isn't there something or other about that information being confidential? I'm a Canadian...not that up on American law.

     I must say that I am a little tired of the constant barrage of news about what has been called "Zippergate". I wonder why someone hasn't started a 24 hr all Clinton channel... does it seem that nothing newsworthy has happened since this scandal first appeared?

    It really bugs me that the quality of late night humour has degraded horribly as well...Letterman and Leno have been re-telling the same jokes for a year now...

    I think that the same rules should apply for Bill as they do for the rest of us...what would happen to you if you had sex at work? What if you lied about it? What if you asked other people to lie for you? What would your husband/wife think and do? Personally... I'm pretty sure that this would get my ass fired in no time flat, my wife would either have all my stuff on the front lawn or welcome me home with a very large gun.

    And now for poor Monica...some say she was taken advantage of...she's a big girl, an adult. She knew she was consorting with not only the President of the United states, a married man. What will happen to her? I see book deals being made, no t.v. treatment on this one since its the longest running mini-series of all time right now. She is going to get alot of money I think and we will eventually and thankfully forget about the whole thing and get on with other things.

     Things that concern me so much more than where Bill is getting his action...

The timer on my coffee maker doesn't work..without that coffee first thing in the morning I'm not alert enough to make coffee...
The price of that coffee is getting out of control...those damn Columbians will rule us one way or the other...
I am a confirmed coffee addict, have been to Maxwell House for the rehab program...tea, juice and soft drinks just don't cut it. To find out if you've been drinking too much coffee take the COFFEE QUIZ

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